How Mentors/Career Coaches can Help Students in their Overseas Education and Career Journey?

Study abroad

There will come a time in every student’s life when they must decide their next step. For some, their parents would be enough to help, and for others, their teachers, friends, or even siblings may provide them with the perfect guidance. But there are students who need someone as a mentor or a career coach/guru to help them make the right choices and decisions, especially when it comes to overseas education.

Here, we are going to discuss how a great mentor or career coach can change the life of a student.

1. Professional Goals with A New Perspective

Studying abroad is being chosen by most students because of globalization and the quality it provides. It is one of the finest ways to understand the cultural and educational distinctiveness of a new country. Professional mentoring can help students who are preparing for overseas education and settling abroad in many ways, the first being a change in perspective. A career coach can help you figure out your goals and work towards them. Lifelong skills are a must for long-term progress in overseas education and career development. Therefore, it would be good to find yourself a good mentor who could guide you in all aspects.

2. Inducing Confidence for Future Challenges

A student preparing for an overseas education might go through a lot of emotional pressure and stress. Anxiety about making it to the university, peer pressure, and having no idea about the country chosen for study abroad can all add to the stress levels that can eventually drain out the confidence. This situation could only be dealt with by a professional career coach or mentor who can take the necessary steps with patience. A career coach will do the job of boosting the confidence level and making students emotionally stronger by identifying values within them. In general, he or she will keep them prepared for the challenges lurking around the student’s decision to choose a foreign country for further studies.

3. Mentoring Based on Career Interest

It is common that students often end up choosing the wrong courses and feel trapped. This is where a career coach or a mentor comes to the rescue. A career coach tries to decipher the interest of the student in terms of their employment choices. He/she helps in enlisting the top universities and courses overseas as per the choices shared by the mentee. A professional mentor helps the student identify their aspirations and navigate their career accordingly. A career coach fine-tunes the career and divides it into short and long-term plans.

Why ACET Education?

ACET Education guides you in choosing the right course for your future career. Having ties with most of the top universities in Australia and Canada, we ensure that you are provided with the most reliable and potential advice.

  • ACET has a strong team of experts who studied in Australia and are now Qualified Education Agent Counsellors (QEAC)  offering services to our students.
  • Our team supports students in Australia and Canada in career coaching as well as resume preparation, interview tips, power of networking and LinkedIn
  • Our students receive opportunity to consult with Registered Migration Agents from Australia and Canada.
  • Based in Australia and Canada, we understand each state and province here which helps us to provide realistic information to our students.

For enquiries, please visit us at and fill the enquiry form, you will be contacted by our team at the earliest. ACET Education serves both as a career coach and a perfect mentor to take you in the right direction for overseas education.

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